Welcome to the MDPN

We are a member-governed, collaborative organization dedicated to preserving Michigan’s digital cultural heritage materials and leveraging our shared resources to make digital preservation accessible to all institutions.

Our Values:

Sustainability: we envision providing a long-term solution to the state’s digital preservation needs without reliance on soft funding.

Reliability: we seek to protect cultural heritage materials using dependable and stable technology that is broadly compatible with different institutional systems.

Inclusion: we are open to all types of collecting and cultural heritage organizations, of all sizes, from all regions of the state.

Cooperation: we endeavor to leverage the expertise and resources of everyone for the benefit of the entire Network. Less duplication, greater cooperation. 

Community: we seek to share knowledge, experience, and support to build a stronger, more welcoming, and more connected collective.

Agility: we endeavor to build an organization that can adapt to changes in technology and needs of the members through innovation and dialogue.

Accessibility: we envision a clear and easy to use technology that is approachable for non-technical users and will integrate alongside already established records management systems.